This half day training session will be delivered ONLINE using Microsoft Teams

To download Microsoft Teams – Click here

It is essential that you have a camera & microphone to complete this course

Discharge summaries are an essential form of communication, it delivers a comprehensive history, interventions, outcome and continuing treatment. With correspondence workflow systems and more tasks heading towards administration and the prescription clerks, its important the correspondence  is managed correctly.

Having the correct process in place for discharge summaries, and ensuring staff understand the role they play in this process is essential for many reasons:

  • Patient safety
  • Patients experience
  • A safe transition of care
  • Understanding additional information
  • Correspondence management
  • Accurate record keeping
  • Identifying the role the staff member plays supporting the practice medicine management policy
  • Recognising your own limitation, working within your competencies

This training session is for Administration and Prescription Clerks who are responsible for the management process of discharge letters from receipt to appropriate actions and outcomes.

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Cancellations with a full refund will be accepted up to and including 15 days prior to the event.  Any refund request for places cancelled after this date will not be refunded.