Over the last two years there have been no changes to the clinical indicators so it should be no surprise that this year there are a number of changes for 2019-2020!

175 Points from 28 Indicators will be retired – of those, 101 points will be allocated to more appropriate indicators (15 new) with the remaining 74 points creating a new “Quality Improvement” domain.  It will be about re-arranging the targets.

Course content will cover:

  • Retired Indicators
  • New QOF Indicators
  • Changes to Exception Reporting
  • Quality Improvement Domain (Prescribing Safety and End Of Life)
  • Personalised Care Adjustments
  • Direct Enhanced Services   (Networking)
  • Vaccination Programme

Registration at 9.00 am – teas/coffees/biscuits available

Directions/Venue information

There is a very large car park off Websters Way. This is a ‘pay and display’ car park. 
Please do not park in the doctors’ private car park. If you do, you may block in the doctoron-call and he may be unable to attend an emergency or you may obstruct an ambulanceattending an emergency.

Audley Mills Education Centre training room can be found on the 2nd floor.

Click the links below for more information about our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Cancellations with a full refund will be accepted up to and including 15 days prior to the event.  Any refund request for places cancelled after this date will not be refunded.