Event Details

Whether your partners own, lease or rent their premises this interactive Premises Masterclass will cover everything from understanding the Premises Costs Directions including reviews, the role of the District Valuer, improvement grants, abatements and everything in between!

  • Premises Costs Directions 2013 and relationship to GMS/PMS/APMS contract
  • Reimbursement covering owner occupied/leasehold/third party rental etc
  • Obligations on practices – changing use of or adding rooms/third party usage and minimum standards
  • The role of the DV, CMR1 forms and rent review process
  • ETTF/Improvement Grants including abatements
  • New Premises Costs Directions (2016!!)
  • National Premises Review – ARRS/STP and ICS process

This half day session will be delivered ONLINE using Microsoft Teams.

To download Microsoft Teams – Click here

It is essential that you have a camera & microphone to complete this course.

Click the links below for more information about our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Cancellations with a full refund will be accepted up to and including 15 days prior to the event.  Any refund request for places cancelled after this date will not be refunded.