Your learning agenda:

This is level 3 training and will count towards the participatory hours stipulated by the Intercollegiate Document – Safeguarding Children: Roles and Competencies for HealthCare Staff. So be ready to interact!

I will cover:

1.            The pattern of ‘everyday bruising’ in children

2.            How inflicted bruising in children differs from everyday bruising

3.            The notion of ‘sentinel bruising’ in child maltreatment

4.            Knowing where to obtain advice when you are concerned about a child with a bruise

5.            Knowing what action to take when you are considering or suspecting child maltreatment

6.            Knowing what to say and what to write

7.            Understanding the developmental consequences of physical abuse and chastisement

8.            Knowing where to find evidence-informed guidance on bruising in children

9.            The effects of COVID on the incidence of bruising and its recognition

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