Event details

This travel day is for qualified practice nurses and will be facilitated by Jane Chiodini, MBE

The day will be of benefit to all experienced travel health practice nurses and serve as a good annual update.

Course Content:

  • Latest Updates in Travel Health and Travel vaccines
  • COVID-19 and travel, some background, but also tips and hints!
  • Malaria update including news of the 2021 guidelines
  • Good Practice Guidance – learn about a new guidance document
  • Yellow fever update – news relevant to everyone
  • Travel health provision in General Practice
  • A refresher on the NHS travel vaccines (and diseases)
  • Polio update and news of the ongoing PHEIC
  • Hepatitis A vaccine update
  • Dilemmas in practice – e learning looking at some common errors
  • Case studies – addressing common issues to refresh your memory
  • New publications and resources
  • In the News – quick fire information related to the latest travel-related news
  • Social media and its relevance in keeping up to date
  • Questions and information about completing the course


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Cancellations with a full refund will be accepted up to and including 15 days prior to the event.  Any refund request for places cancelled after this date will not be refunded.